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Vikram's Recent Activity

Bomb Squad Pilsner by Bomb Squad

Vikram Rao is drinking a Bomb Squad Pilsner by Bomb Squad

Can Can

Cheers To You! (Level 4) Earned the Cheers To You! (Level 4) badge! Crisp as Day (Level 2) Earned the Crisp as Day (Level 2) badge!
Tagged Friends
Guinness Draught by Guinness

Vikram Rao is drinking a Guinness Draught by Guinness

Purchased at The Bended Elbow

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 15) Earned the Draft City (Level 15) badge!
Tagged Friends
IPA by Zytho Brewing

Vikram Rao is drinking an IPA by Zytho Brewing at Untappd at Home

Can Can

Style Quest: IPA - American Earned the Style Quest: IPA - American badge!
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