
Dean's Recent Activity

Dunkel Lager McFleshman's by McFleshman's Brewing Company

Dean Diedrich is drinking a Dunkel Lager McFleshman's by McFleshman's Brewing Company at McFleshman's Brewing Co.

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 82) Earned the Draft City (Level 82) badge! Lager Jack (Level 40) Earned the Lager Jack (Level 40) badge!
547 by McFleshman's Brewing Company

Dean Diedrich is drinking a 547 by McFleshman's Brewing Company at McFleshman's Brewing Co.

Seems only fitting for my first beer as a Pub Club member. Thanks, Alicia and Colin!

Draft Draft

McFleshman's Brewing Company Earned the McFleshman's Brewing Company badge!

Check-in Photo

Shadow Hammer by Appleton Beer Factory

Dean Diedrich is drinking a Shadow Hammer by Appleton Beer Factory at Appleton Beer Factory

Draft Draft

Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 23) Earned the Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 23) badge!