Lidis Growler: Ε ναι!!!

Christos Vlachogiannis
Christos Vlachogiannis is drinking a Toasted Coconut Vanilla Barrel-aged Vietnamese Speedway Stout by AleSmith Brewing Company at Tales of Ales
Purchased at Tales of Ales
Christos Vlachogiannis is drinking The Sound of Rain by Fidens Brewing Co at Tales of Ales
Purchased at Tales of Ales
Christos Vlachogiannis is drinking a Kaleidoscope by Fidens Brewing Co at Tales of Ales
Extraterrestrial hoppy mouthfeel revealing notable spikes of skunky dank, butter and cream. Unique bitterness layers wrapped to an effervescent carbonation. Absolutely distinguishable Fidens!
Purchased at Tales of Ales
Lidis Growler: Ε ναι!!!
Hell1: 4.75????
Christos Vlachogiannis: Hell1 lifetime experience. Ένιωσα σαν ανήλικο στο κρεβάτι του Michael Jackson..🥹
Hell1: Christos V. Αχχαχαχαχχαχαχχααχχ τι λές?????
Christos Vlachogiannis: Αλήθεια λέω!
Back to the roots…! 🤘