
Birger's Recent Activity

Wing It by Electric Nurse

Birger Wikström is drinking a Wing It by Electric Nurse

Smoooooth! Skön munkänsla. Classic dipa 2.0 jättebra

Swedish Brews  (Level 17) Earned the Swedish Brews (Level 17) badge!
The Great Deciever by Beersmiths

Birger Wikström is drinking The Great Deciever by Beersmiths

This was superb flavour wise! Little to no head. Otherwise it would be a 5. Maybe next time. Great beer!

Cheers To You! (Level 2) Earned the Cheers To You! (Level 2) badge!
Sidamo Dimtu by Dugges Bryggeri

Birger Wikström is drinking a Sidamo Dimtu by Dugges Bryggeri

Helt och hållet precis exakt min smak! Vafanläggavjättegod! 5 av 5 Bengt Frithiofsson i betyg