
tim's Recent Activity

柚子胡椒 (yuzukoshou) by Grow Brew House

tim grass is drinking a 柚子胡椒 (yuzukoshou) by Grow Brew House at GROW BREW HOUSE

Pretty spicy. Yuzu gets overpowered a bit, and that's not easy to do to yuzu. I think I'll have heartburn later, but for now am enjoying it.

Draft Draft

Night Shift by Williams Brewery

tim grass is drinking a Night Shift by Williams Brewery at Entrance To Beer Novice

Has a Belgian influence I feel with the sugar cane. Though pretty sure the yeast is not Belgian. Kind of a British IPA with Belgian stylistic influence? Anyway, that's my amateur take. Tastes good, but not easy drinking. They say mango and passion. Nope.

Bottle Bottle

Door by Honjo Ginza Brewery

tim grass is drinking a Door by Honjo Ginza Brewery at Entrance To Beer Novice

Surprised. Brewery I don't know. Style I don't like. But actually quite liked it. I'm finding with hazy if it has a strong pine element, I like it a lot better.

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Nakaji’s IPA by Niiza Craft

tim grass is drinking a Nakaji’s IPA by Niiza Craft at Entrance To Beer Novice

It's not exactly bad. But I surely don't recommend it. Has a certain freshness that saves it from being out and out terrible. But real (new at) homebrew vibes. The arrabietta pasta I had with it was awesome though.

Draft Draft

Riding Steady (Level 98) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 98) badge!

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