ミーコラス カ。 is drinking a Grand Draft Hero by Docks Beers at Untappd at Home
Typical, standard, pretty sweet ipa.
Purchased at Docks Beers

ミーコラス カ。 is drinking a Pillow Hat by Hudson Valley Brewery
Beautiful,refreshing, light, citrusy, a touch floral and very sessionable ipa.
Purchased at Beer Merchants Tap

ミーコラス カ。 is drinking a Franklin’s Porter by Howling Hops at Untappd at Home
Toasty and roasty, malty and very coffee forward porter with bitter chocolate and cold brew coffee flavours.
Purchased at Howling Hops Tank Bar

ミーコラス カ。 is drinking a Älska Strawberry & Lime 0.0 by Swedish Cider Company at Untappd at Home
Strong mint aroma and greay mint and piney flavours.