
Mark's Recent Activity

Wild Herd by Goose Island Beer Co.

Mark Head is drinking a Wild Herd by Goose Island Beer Co. at Gerst Bavarian Haus

Draft Draft

Gerst your Thirst (Level 8) Earned the Gerst your Thirst (Level 8) badge!

Check-in Photo

Troll Serum by Burn ‘Em Brewing

Mark Head is drinking a Troll Serum by Burn ‘Em Brewing at Flipdaddy's-Corydon

Purchased at Flipdaddy's-Corydon

Draft Draft

Flipdaddy's of Corydon (Level 15) Earned the Flipdaddy's of Corydon (Level 15) badge! Middle of the Road (Level 99) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 99) badge!

Check-in Photo