
Matias's Recent Activity

Koge's Break by Mälardalen Brewing Co.

Matias Kemppainen is drinking a Koge's Break by Mälardalen Brewing Co. at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Local Flavor Earned the Local Flavor badge! Untappd at Home (Level 2) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 2) badge! Verified Adventure Earned the Verified Adventure badge! 99 Bottles Earned the 99 Bottles badge!
Åkers Styckebruks by Qvänum Mat & Malt

Matias Kemppainen is drinking a Åkers Styckebruks by Qvänum Mat & Malt at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Brewery Pioneer Earned the Brewery Pioneer badge! Wheel of Styles Earned the Wheel of Styles badge! Swedish Brews Earned the Swedish Brews badge!