Martin Dambach is drinking an ACID TRAXX | House Series 2/4 by Schwarze Rose at sueffisant
sehr schöne Farbe, ausbalancierte Süße und Alkohol. Es könnte intensivere komplexere Aromen haben. Vielleicht gute Alterung? Trinkempfehlung!

Martin Dambach is drinking a Mirabello by Salama Brewing Company at sueffisant
very nice, complex, soft, slightly pharmaceutical note, which I like

Martin Dambach is drinking a Cloud Spotting (不知所云) by Jing A (京A) Brewing Co. at sueffisant
an interesting flowering, bloomy taste

Martin Dambach is drinking a Sour Ale Strong by Wildery Brutal Blends at sueffisant
aged very good! complex aromas, perfectly balanced

very good one, would not have expected such a balanced IPA with 12% ABV.