
Koo's Recent Activity

Sylvi VII by Kupin Äärellä

Koo Vee is drinking a Sylvi VII by Kupin Äärellä at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Mine, 1yo. The citrus and spice of Saaz are still there, but the honey has taken up a raiment of light syrup and the butter is more of an idea, but there it still is. Surprisingly refreshing and Czech Rep -inducing. The taste is losing cohesion. The hop .

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Sylvi I by Kupin Äärellä

Koo Vee is drinking a Sylvi I by Kupin Äärellä at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Mine, 2yo. Took this long to shave off the phenolic angles. Very spicy honey, almost like some pungent flowers laid on top of crushed coriander seed and grains of paradise. Still a biting edge to it, but no longer overwhelming. Edgy but smooth taste..

Home Brewed Goodness (Level 35) Earned the Home Brewed Goodness (Level 35) badge!

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Tetley's 1945 Clone by Kupin Äärellä

Koo Vee is drinking a Tetley's 1945 Clone by Kupin Äärellä at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Mine, 5yo. Last bottle. Fresh sour cherry juice. Nothing to add.. the esters, the tang, the thick sense of fruit. Amazing. Forgot this one. The body is watery as per style but the taste is rich and in line with the nose. Except for a faint sense of roast.

Mild Mannered (Level 2) Earned the Mild Mannered (Level 2) badge! Never Finnished! (Level 72) Earned the Never Finnished! (Level 72) badge!

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Truman Crimean War 1856 by Kupin Äärellä

Koo Vee is drinking a Truman Crimean War 1856 by Kupin Äärellä at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Mine, 5yo. Entering a new phase. Charred, waxy chocolate. Rich notes of lightly browned coffee. The red berries are almost hidden in the nose, but the taste still carries them on tongue. Very creamy raspberry-cherry mousse mixed with a drop of espresso...

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Kellariolut No2 Imperial Stout by Teerenpeli Panimo & Tislaamo

Koo Vee is drinking a Kellariolut No2 Imperial Stout by Teerenpeli Panimo & Tislaamo at Untappd at Home

Raspberry liquor, wax, milk chocolate and a whiff of chinkiang vinegar. Cherry-tinged taste of alcohol in the somewhat watery body.

Purchased at Alko verkkokauppa

Bottle Bottle

Super Style: Stout - Imperial / Double (Level 5) Earned the Super Style: Stout - Imperial / Double (Level 5) badge!

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