
Hugo's Recent Activity

Winter In Bangalore by Amager Bryghus

Hugo R is drinking a Winter In Bangalore by Amager Bryghus at Untappd at Home

Can Can

Untappd at Home (Level 85) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 85) badge! For the Can (Level 48) Earned the For the Can (Level 48) badge!

Check-in Photo

Owl Dirty Bastard by Uiltje Brewing Company

Hugo R is drinking an Owl Dirty Bastard by Uiltje Brewing Company at Untappd at Home

Can Can

Verified Adventure (Level 94) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 94) badge!

Check-in Photo

#4000 by Brouwerij de Molen

Hugo R is drinking a #4000 by Brouwerij de Molen at Untappd at Home

Kan niet anders dan een 4 zijn.

Purchased at Craft Boxs

Bottle Bottle

Dubbel, Tripel and Quad Oh My! (Level 17) Earned the Dubbel, Tripel and Quad Oh My! (Level 17) badge!

Check-in Photo

Black Damnation XVI - Ivan The Terrible by De Struise Brouwers

Hugo R is drinking a Black Damnation XVI - Ivan The Terrible by De Struise Brouwers at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Craft Boxs

Bottle Bottle

Brewery Pioneer (Level 84) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 84) badge! 2X (Level 11) Earned the 2X (Level 11) badge!

Check-in Photo