
Helen's Recent Activity

Yichang (宜昌) by Первый Пивзавод (First Brewery)

Helen Osokina is drinking a Yichang (宜昌) by Первый Пивзавод (First Brewery)

А по вкусу как венский лагер с рисом

Bottle Bottle

99 Bottles (Level 80) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 80) badge!
Toxic Circus by DomBreW

Helen Osokina is drinking a Toxic Circus by DomBreW

Can Can

Pucker Up (Level 71) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 71) badge!
Ортодокс Овсяно-Молочный Стаут by Пивоварня Ортодокс

Helen Osokina is drinking a Ортодокс Овсяно-Молочный Стаут by Пивоварня Ортодокс at Rewort

Purchased at Rewort

Draft Draft

International Beer Day (2024) Earned the International Beer Day (2024) badge! Podium Party (2024) Earned the Podium Party (2024) badge!