чярли is drinking a СЕМАФОР by СЕРАФИМ at Pivmir (Пивмир)
вкус начинается с водички, потом чувствуются дрожжи и кислинка, похожая на гранат. няка
Purchased at Pivmir (Пивмир)
Earned the Draft City (Level 5) badge! Earned the Hey Honey (Level 2) badge!чярли is drinking an Aesthetics Across the Mead by Yorwick Brew at Jawsspot
чярли is drinking a Black Forest Cake by Burning Brewery | Пивоварня Бёрнинг at Untappd at Home
Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 5) badge! Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 9) badge!чярли is drinking a Белоярский берлинер by Jaws Brewery at Untappd at Home
эспрессо с апельсином
Purchased at Pivmir (Пивмир)