Brian: That sucks, I hope that it's a cheap fix 🤞🍻
Brian Chambers
Stockbridge, Georgia. USA
Brian Chambers is drinking a FAIRDAY by Halfway Crooks Beer at Halfway Crooks Beer
Brian Chambers is drinking a Tesseract by Halfway Crooks Beer at Halfway Crooks Beer
Like biting into a nicely toasted marshmallow. Slick and creamy. Very oily. Then vanilla and booze. Where’s Friday?
Brian Chambers is drinking a Boeven by Halfway Crooks Beer at Halfway Crooks Beer
I needed this! Hit something on the highway this morning and had get car towed to the work only $120..2 miles away. Who knows what it would be 40 miles to the house.😳 Fruitcake aroma. Burnt sugar and dried fruit with a slight abv burn. Nice
Brian: That sucks, I hope that it's a cheap fix 🤞🍻
Brian Chambers: Me too. Thanks! Have to go retrieve it sometime this weekend
Brian: Brian C. Do you have a trailer or a car dolly? I don't have a trailer or dolly, but I've always wanted to get a dolly. You never need it until you do.
Brian Chambers: Probably could use a dolly but have several trailers. Just a matter of winching the car up. I’m sure beer will be involved..
Brian: Brian C. Beer makes everything better 😉🍻
Brian Chambers: It certainly does…
Skits approved. Good hefe. More banana than clove.
Purchased at The Smyrna Beer Market by The Stout Brothers