Yoran Z is drinking a Flaggy Shore by Galway Bay Brewery at Eindhoven Biergarten
Quite some coffee, quite creamy, dark chocolate, some mint

Yoran Z is drinking a Party Smoosh by CoolHead Brew at Eindhoven Biergarten
Very citric, with some peach and lemon. One-dimensional but still tasty

Yoran Z is drinking a WHEN A GOAT FOLLOWS HIS HERO IN A CAR by Pomona Island Brew Co. at Untappd at Home
Passionfruit, gooseberry, a bit dank and sweaty, some melon

Yoran Z is drinking a Travail of Seven by Goede Kant van het Spoor at Untappd at Home
Lots of coffee, dark chocolate, a whiff of moss (?), a hint of whipped cream in the finish. Very good, as usual
Lots of coconut, vanilla, expressive tonka. The bisongrass blends in well with the slightly boozy finish