
Yoann's Recent Activity

Yggdrasil Nelson Sauvin by Brasserie La Tuilerie

Yoann Jungers is drinking a Yggdrasil Nelson Sauvin by Brasserie La Tuilerie at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Palate Peak: IPA - Imperial / Double New England / Hazy Earned the Palate Peak: IPA - Imperial / Double New England / Hazy badge! Ale Trail: IPA - Imperial / Double New England / Hazy Earned the Ale Trail: IPA - Imperial / Double New England / Hazy badge! Beer Gathering Earned the Beer Gathering badge! Beer Party Earned the Beer Party badge! Untappd at Home Earned the Untappd at Home badge! Haze for Days (Level 2) Earned the Haze for Days (Level 2) badge!
Neipa by Brasserie La Tuilerie

Yoann Jungers is drinking a Neipa by Brasserie La Tuilerie

Middle of the Road (Level 8) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 8) badge! La Crème de la Crème (Level 12) Earned the La Crème de la Crème (Level 12) badge!