Will Curtis is drinking a Tzara by Thornbridge Brewery
Yea folks, that’s right, that’s the 50. Well batted sir. A determined knock that has come off the back of 3 years of hard work. Time to kick on and get a ton.

Will Curtis is drinking a König Pilsener by König Brauerei
When one is around Sam Whitnall, one must simply check in on Untappd. 49* and counting, great knock.

Will Curtis is drinking The Pale Ale by Anspach & Hobday
Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the Wee Donkey, can we just appreciate how good this is. Great can artwork as well

Will Curtis is drinking an Electric IPA by Brixton Brewery at Untappd at Home
Courtesy of Bilbo - a gorgeous IPA to lift lockdown spirits on a cold, snowy Monday

Found a beer that Wam hasn’t checked in, it’s a Christmas miracle