
Vasek's Recent Activity

Brewstock Juice 15 by Rodinný pivovar Zichovec

Vasek Stuchl is drinking a Brewstock Juice 15 by Rodinný pivovar Zichovec at Dno pytle

Draft Draft

Verified Adventure (Level 53) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 53) badge! Better Together (Level 11) Earned the Better Together (Level 11) badge!
Alois 11 by Pivovar Uhříněves

Vasek Stuchl is drinking an Alois 11 by Pivovar Uhříněves at Fatfuck

Draft Draft

Burger Heaven (Level 2) Earned the Burger Heaven (Level 2) badge!
Dědek Pod Palmou by SQBRU [skjuːbru]

Vasek Stuchl is drinking a Dědek Pod Palmou by SQBRU [skjuːbru] at Žíznivá Gumovka

Draft Draft

I Believe in IPA! (Level 60) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 60) badge!
Sůldva by SQBRU [skjuːbru]

Vasek Stuchl is drinking a Sůldva by SQBRU [skjuːbru] at Žíznivá Gumovka

Draft Draft

What Gose Round (Level 6) Earned the What Gose Round (Level 6) badge!