Michael Marcotte
Michael Marcotte is drinking a Plains Beer (Batch 4) by Heirloom Rustic Ales at Untappd at Home
This the batch with the lower 5.2% abv. It has a distinctly different taste that I can’t identify., but that I think is slightly floral, with slight bitter aftertaste.
Purchased at Cellar Wine & Spirits
Michael Marcotte is drinking a Native Land - Stout by Skydance Brewing at Untappd at Home
Chocolate( sort of like Hershey’s syrup taste, but not as sweet, and coffee..Not so stout as to put me off, because I don’t favor stouts as a style, in general, but this one is pretty drinkable.
Purchased at Cellar Wine & Spirits
Michael Marcotte is drinking a Skoden 010 by Skydance Brewing at Untappd at Home
Nice, hazy, juicy , tropical flavor with a New Zealand Kohatu hops and some Cora.
Purchased at Cellar Wine & Spirits
Michael Marcotte is drinking a Pizza Pilsner by Heirloom Rustic Ales at Untappd at Home
Fairly standard Pilsner taste. A bit hoppier than I prefer.
Purchased at Cellar Wine & Spirits
Stronger abv kills some of the initial hoppines, which allows for a pleasant enough taste, but the finish is bitter enough that I would not seek it again.
Purchased at Cellar Wine & Spirits