
Vadim's Recent Activity

Black Scottish Stout by Belhaven Brewery

Vadim Thefirst is drinking a Black Scottish Stout by Belhaven Brewery at Untappd at Home

Не было гиннесса, а билхеван не гиннесс, увы.

Can Can

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Double Tree Double Black Cherry by Cider House

Vadim Thefirst is drinking a Double Tree Double Black Cherry by Cider House at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Riding Steady (Level 57) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 57) badge! Hey Honey (Level 3) Earned the Hey Honey (Level 3) badge!

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Black Heart by BrewDog

Vadim Thefirst is drinking a Black Heart by BrewDog at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Винлаб

Can Can

Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 6) Earned the Beyond a Shadow of a Stout (Level 6) badge!

Check-in Photo