
Yuri's Recent Activity

Cherry X-mas by Atmosphere Brewery

Yuri Ivashin is drinking a Cherry X-mas by Atmosphere Brewery at Untappd at Home

Can Can

Verified Adventure (Level 50) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 50) badge!
Proper Gabe by Velka Morava

Yuri Ivashin is drinking a Proper Gabe by Velka Morava at Untappd at Home

Can Can

For the Can (Level 41) Earned the For the Can (Level 41) badge! I'll Be Bock (Level 8) Earned the I'll Be Bock (Level 8) badge!
Baltik-Lager by Störtebeker Braumanufaktur

Yuri Ivashin is drinking a Baltik-Lager by Störtebeker Braumanufaktur at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Cultura Bottle Shop

Bottle Bottle

Hopped Down (Level 39) Earned the Hopped Down (Level 39) badge! Oktoberfest (Level 3) Earned the Oktoberfest (Level 3) badge! Das Boot  (Level 30) Earned the Das Boot (Level 30) badge!