Roy Gaines: You’re a jackass 😂

TroyMFG is drinking a Coors Light by Coors Brewing Company
TroyMFG is drinking a Coors Light by Coors Brewing Company
Gaius Plinius Secundus aka Pliny the elder charred my taste buds, but luckily I was able to revive them with a Coors. 🫡
TroyMFG is drinking a Coors Light by Coors Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
10/10 this is my 6th one today. Nice and crispy unlike Pliny the elder which tastes like burnt dog food. The more I drink the more it makes sense that Stanley and yeti probably stole the liner of Coors to keep their drinks as cold as the Rockies. 🫡
TroyMFG is drinking a Coors Light by Coors Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
10/10 Nice Crispy beer for any occasion unlike Pliny the Elder which was named after a idiot naturalist who only believed that animals only had blood in their veins at a certain time of the year. Not to mention he got wrecked by Mt. Vesuvius. Enjoy.
Roy Gaines: You’re a jackass 😂
Tyler Connell: Roy G. This reads like it was #12 of the night
Tyler Connell: Troy drink a real beer
Thu, 19 Dec 2024 23:44:07 +0000 Report
Roy Gaines: Tyler C. He only knows Coors
Fri, 20 Dec 2024 06:23:23 +0000 Report