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TroyMFG's Recent Activity

Coors Light by Coors Brewing Company

TroyMFG is drinking a Coors Light by Coors Brewing Company

Do I even need to say it? Of course I do, Pliny sucks ass!

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Coors Light by Coors Brewing Company

TroyMFG is drinking a Coors Light by Coors Brewing Company

Gaius Plinius Secundus aka Pliny the elder charred my taste buds, but luckily I was able to revive them with a Coors. 🫡

Lager Day (2024) Earned the Lager Day (2024) badge!
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Coors Light by Coors Brewing Company

TroyMFG is drinking a Coors Light by Coors Brewing Company at Untappd at Home

10/10 this is my 6th one today. Nice and crispy unlike Pliny the elder which tastes like burnt dog food. The more I drink the more it makes sense that Stanley and yeti probably stole the liner of Coors to keep their drinks as cold as the Rockies. 🫡

Can Can

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Coors Light by Coors Brewing Company

TroyMFG is drinking a Coors Light by Coors Brewing Company at Untappd at Home

10/10 Nice Crispy beer for any occasion unlike Pliny the Elder which was named after a idiot naturalist who only believed that animals only had blood in their veins at a certain time of the year. Not to mention he got wrecked by Mt. Vesuvius. Enjoy.

Beer Gathering Earned the Beer Gathering badge! Beer Party Earned the Beer Party badge! Newbie Earned the Newbie badge! Untappd at Home Earned the Untappd at Home badge!
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