
Stijn's Recent Activity

Letra F by LETRA Brewery

Stijn Vrielink is drinking a Letra F by LETRA Brewery at Museu da Cerveja

Bottle Bottle

Photogenic Brew (Level 97) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 97) badge! I Believe in IPA! (Level 27) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 27) badge!
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Check-in Photo

Super Bock Selecção 1927 Bengal Amber IPA by Super Bock Group

Stijn Vrielink is drinking a Super Bock Selecção 1927 Bengal Amber IPA by Super Bock Group at Ministerium Cantina

Draft Draft

Middle of the Road (Level 83) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 83) badge! Draft City (Level 19) Earned the Draft City (Level 19) badge!
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Check-in Photo

Coruja - IPA / India Pale Ale by Super Bock Group

Stijn Vrielink is drinking a Coruja - IPA / India Pale Ale by Super Bock Group at Quiosque Ribeira das Naus

Bottle Bottle

Bar Explorer (Level 18) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 18) badge! Uma Cerveja (Level 2) Earned the Uma Cerveja (Level 2) badge! Pure Garden Bliss Earned the Pure Garden Bliss badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

Barona IPA by Barona Brewing Company

Stijn Vrielink is drinking a Barona IPA by Barona Brewing Company at Museu da Cerveja

Bottle Bottle

Beer of the World (Level 15) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 15) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo