Beeron Gallonbelly: Is that Woody Harrilson?

Sparky Wetherell is drinking an Icelandic Arctic Lager by Einstök Ölgerð at City Perks Coffee Co.
Sparky Wetherell is drinking a Shrimp Boat by Intuition Ale Works at Pizzalley's Pizzeria
Light, crisp, easy drinking. Chamber of Commerce weather here in St. Augustine. 76 degrees and sunny.
Purchased at Roque Pub
Sparky Wetherell is drinking a Sunchaser IPA by Intuition Ale Works at Dart Bar and Games
Beeron Gallonbelly: Is that Woody Harrilson?
Sparky Wetherell: Beeron G., bingo!🍺🍻
Sparky Wetherell is drinking a Bourbon Barrel Aged King Street Stout by Intuition Ale Works at BT's Grill and Beer Garden
Damn tasty! Meandering our way through historic St. Augustine.
Purchased at BT's Grill and Beer Garden
MasterWizard: Enjoy St Augustine and the beer. Cheers 🍻
Sparky Wetherell is drinking an Oddtoberfest by Odd Side Ales at Pierre’s Pub
Nice little find from San Antonio over Christmas.
Purchased at Krause's Cafe & Biergarten
Michael Obert: She certainly seems an eager find, for sure 😍
Sparky Wetherell: Michael O., absolutely!😆🍻
Michael Lucas: So many likable things going on in that picture… 🍻🍻
Sparky Wetherell: Michael L., you know it! Cheers, brother!👍🏼🍺🍻
SuperBrewHunter: Happy to be seen or seeing & vice versa here 😁🍻
Sparky Wetherell: SuperBrewHunter, cheers, my friend!🍺🍻
Sparky Wetherell: Consigliere Salerno, cheers, brother!🍺🍻
Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:09:07 +0000 Report