
Sharon's Recent Activity

Poperings Hommelbier by Leroy Breweries

Sharon Nijenhuis is drinking a Poperings Hommelbier by Leroy Breweries at Café De Koffer

Draft Draft

Verified Adventure (Level 3) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 3) badge! Middle of the Road (Level 9) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 9) badge!

Check-in Photo

Avec Les Bons Vœux by Brasserie Dupont

Sharon Nijenhuis is drinking an Avec Les Bons Vœux by Brasserie Dupont at Café De Koffer

Draft Draft

Brewery Pioneer (Level 9) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 9) badge! Draft City (Level 4) Earned the Draft City (Level 4) badge!
De Sigaar Blond by Brouwerij Dockum

Sharon Nijenhuis is drinking a De Sigaar Blond by Brouwerij Dockum at Café De Sigaar

Draft Draft

Photogenic Brew  (Level 12) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 12) badge! Going Dutch (Level 3) Earned the Going Dutch (Level 3) badge!

Check-in Photo