Daniel Frush is drinking a First Snow by Triple Crossing at Bottleworks

Daniel Frush is drinking a Kings Mountain by Heritage Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Bookmarking for the future - with it being award winning, I thought I'd give this a try. It felt like it was stale, and this could be the style I'm not used to but it was fine.

Daniel Frush is drinking a Valhalla by Triple Crossing at Triple Crossing Brewing Company

Daniel Frush is drinking an Orange Julius Imperial Sour by Old Bust Head Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Fantastic - if you're into smooth orange taste with a hard hitting ABV look no further
Purchased at Old Bust Head Brewing Company

Daniel Frush is drinking a Tropical Stout by Old Bust Head Brewing Company at Old Bust Head Brewing Company
Tropical sounds misleading, but I trust this brewery for both their strong sours and award winning stout for me to try. I was delighted by this! The sweet aftertaste is much different from the finish of others in this category. Glad to have tried this!