Qianchao Gu: 哇好巧,我也刚喝了这款,桶味确实太重了🫠
Yiru Jin is drinking a Serafina by Paradox Beer Company
深棕色,白色酒头消散较快 闻香轻微酸感,酸枣 杏脯,入口酸度较高,醋酸明显,红枣 酸梅,桶味柔和 酒体中等,柔顺 像法兰德斯红,但是醋酸感太重,有点尖酸
Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 65) badge! Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 37) badge!Yiru Jin is drinking a Rapid Eye Movement Sleep(快速眼动)2024 by Fever Ales
稻草浑浊,泡沫绵密细腻 闻香柑橘 轻微funky,入口微酸,赛松的花草 辛香浮现,收口干净,一点点酒花的苦,但是风味消散较快 酒体较轻,杀口感较强 干净平衡易饮,但是风味收的较快,很不错的餐酒
Yiru Jin is drinking a Sepia by is/was brewing
棕色,泡沫绵密持久 闻香烤面包 太妃糖 蜂蜜,入口微酸,果脯 葡萄干,收得很快,干净,回味较短 酒体轻,柔顺,干爽 喝不懂
Yiru Jin is drinking a Geuze Mariage Parfait by Brouwerij Boon
橙色微混,泡沫细腻绵密持久 闻香柑橘 树叶 很重的桶味,轻微funky,入口酸度柔和,但苦度较高,泥土 橡木,酒体较薄,风味收的快。回味话梅 盐津 酒体较轻,杀口感弱,柔顺易饮 桶味太重导致风味走向下沉
Earned the Hopped Down (Level 6) badge! Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 55) badge! Earned the Pucker Up (Level 28) badge! Earned the Silence of the Lambics (Level 12) badge! Earned the Belgian Holiday (Level 14) badge!Yiru Jin: Qianchao G.伯恩基础款贵滋我喝下来基本都有这个问题
柑橘 柚子 烤椰子 奶油,平衡 干爽,易饮性好