El Hombre Esta Aqui ! is drinking a Stranger In the Alps by Fair State Brewing Cooperative at Wine, Beer & Spirits - Lincoln

El Hombre Esta Aqui ! is drinking an Oso Grande Imperial Brown Ale by Sanitas Brewing Company at Wine, Beer & Spirits - Lincoln

El Hombre Esta Aqui ! is drinking a Nice Buns by Scriptown Brewing Company at Wine, Beer & Spirits - Lincoln
This beer is putrid. It tastes like stale, death warmed over pickle juice. I have never came across a beer I've absolutely hated more than what I have drank here today. Hulk Hogans nasty beer is leagues above this.

El Hombre Esta Aqui ! is drinking an A Modist Classic: Dortmunder Export Lager by Modist Brewing Co. at Wine, Beer & Spirits - Lincoln