Nathaniel Ball
Nathaniel Ball is drinking a Ha-Chi 5251 by New Belgium Brewing Company at P.F. Chang's China Bistro
Incidentally, ha-chi is the sound my ex made when she sneezed. My sneeze sound was borderline ear bursting and a cross between a dying yak and a barking seal. I've made children cry.
Purchased at P.F. Chang's China Bistro
Nathaniel Ball is drinking a Half Days by Richbrau Brewing at Brew
I love going in to work on half days. However, they say that you can't have a bad day at work if you don't go at all. Then you can drink beer without your coworkers giving you the side eye. Side note- this beer is delicious AF.
Purchased at Brew
Nathaniel Ball is drinking an Irish Cream Stout by Southern Tier Brewing Company at Brew
I like my stouts like I like my women. In a snifter.
Purchased at Brew
Nathaniel Ball is drinking a Riwaka Daydream by Other Half Brewing Co. at Brew
Riwaka is a hop variety from New Zealand. New Zealand is a country in Oceania made up of two main islands and 600 smaller ones. Oceania is a geographical region on the Earth. The Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun. The Sun blinds me when I stare at it.
Purchased at Brew
This is a pretty solid beer which is a relief to me because I generally don't care for wheat beers. But you know what is such a sweet relief in life that not enough people talk about? When you fart away a stomach ache. Just- pbbbbppbpbbttbbt. Ahhhh.
Purchased at Food Lion