Michael Louth is drinking a Northern IPA by Hadrian Border Brewery at Untappd at Home
Bought this back from Wetherspoons the other day. Hazy, hoppy and maintained a white frothy head all the way down and left a dry finish. Enjoyed this.
Purchased at The Corn Exchange (Wetherspoon)

Michael Louth is drinking a Spitfire Golden Ale by Shepherd Neame at Untappd at Home
Thin and malty tasting. Didn’t particularly enjoy it but a tick is a tick.
Purchased at Morrisons

Michael Louth is drinking a Master Stoat by Badger Brewery (Hall & Woodhouse) at Untappd at Home
My plan this year to boost ticks is to double check all the supermarket ales that I assume I’ve had before and get them ticked off. This was one of those. Creamy marshmellow up front with a roasted coffee aftertaste. Enjoyed it more as it went down.
Purchased at Morrisons

Michael Louth is drinking a Wilderness by Abbeydale Brewery at Blue Boar
Appears I’ve saved the best until last. Really soft and smooth. Hazy, hoppy and nicely balanced between being fruity up top with a slightly bitter aftertaste.
A nice and fruity aroma to it with pineapple being quite dominant. The taste was a little more subtle although did have a tropical start and bitter finish. A little thin.
Purchased at Sainsbury's