Värn&Skansprofessorn: Mer öl till folket🍺

John Granqvist
John Granqvist is drinking a Queen of the Hill by Svartbergets Fjällbryggeri at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
Purchased at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
John Granqvist is drinking a Lager by Odd Island Brewing at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
Purchased at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
John Granqvist is drinking a Golden Glenn by Oceanbryggeriet at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
Purchased at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
John Granqvist is drinking a Herrhagen by Ten Hands Brewing at Ölrepubliken
Purchased at Ölrepubliken
Purchased at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza