Laura Evans is drinking an INSTANT SOUP DOESN'T REALLY GRAB ME by Pomona Island Brew Co. at Nottingham Craft Beer Festival
Oh. My. God. This is amazing!! Fruity, light but not too sweet. The sorrel shines through. Great palette cleanser.

Laura Evans is drinking a Dunkel Lager by Braybrooke Beer Co at Nottingham Craft Beer Festival
Oh man this is outstanding beer. Biscuity, sweet, malty, crisp and easy drinking. Probably going to be overlooked at ncbf, please go visit them xx

Laura Evans is drinking a Bespin Trap by Emperor's Brewery at Nottingham Craft Beer Festival
Tipped to sell out with half an hour, this is so smoky it's almost like drinking bacon. Admire the craft involved, but not my top pick. Prefer the jd brew.

Laura Evans is drinking a Technological Terror by Emperor's Brewery
Omg this is SO fruity and delicious and more wine than beer. Tipped to sell out within half hour. Dab in folks.

Absolutely ran from ncbf to the keans head to grab this beer. Only 3 10l kegs made in total. Powerful stout, can tell the high abv, rich chocolate with a creamy finish for cookies and cream. This doesn't disappoint. At all. I urge you to try it.