
Jorrit's Recent Activity

Negra by Cerveza Salta

Jorrit JB is drinking a Negra by Cerveza Salta

Photogenic Brew (Level 76) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 76) badge! Amazons & Andes (Level 2) Earned the Amazons & Andes (Level 2) badge!

Check-in Photo

Pilsen by Cervecería Paraguaya S.A.

Jorrit JB is drinking a Pilsen by Cervecería Paraguaya S.A. at El Nómada Hostal

Bar Explorer (Level 26) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 26) badge! Brew Traveler  (Level 16) Earned the Brew Traveler (Level 16) badge! Beer of the World (Level 21) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 21) badge! Beer Connoisseur (Level 9) Earned the Beer Connoisseur (Level 9) badge!

Check-in Photo