
Daryl's Recent Activity

Juicy Lucy by Devil's Peak Brewing Company

Daryl Lind is drinking a Juicy Lucy by Devil's Peak Brewing Company at Calgary, Sage Hills

Last of the South African beers and it was the best.

Can Can

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Presley California IPA by Four Dogs Brewing

Daryl Lind is drinking a Presley California IPA by Four Dogs Brewing at Four Dogs Brewing Company

Doesn’t taste like ash…. Too soon Branden A. You’re heartless. Happy birthday Eric M. Enjoy your time at the memorial gardens

Purchased at Four Dogs Brewing Company

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 91) Earned the Draft City (Level 91) badge!
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Beach Blonde Light by St. Francis Brewing Company

Daryl Lind is drinking a Beach Blonde Light by St. Francis Brewing Company at Calgary, Sage Hills

#2 of South African beers. Better than the first. Decent lager. 🍺

Can Can

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Tsitsikamma Lager by DSL Brewery

Daryl Lind is drinking a Tsitsikamma Lager by DSL Brewery at Calgary, Sage Hills

Well this is something special. The Mother-in-law brought beers for me all the way from South Africa! Beer is fine, a little grainy, not as crisp as expected for a lager. When they picked the beer they didn’t notice that the brewery was my initials. 🍻

Can Can

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Pearson Express IPA by Henderson Brewing Co

Daryl Lind is drinking a Pearson Express IPA by Henderson Brewing Co at Fionn MacCool's

One last beer before flying the friendly skies.

Purchased at Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ) (Toronto Pearson International Airport)

Draft Draft

Layover (Level 2) Earned the Layover (Level 2) badge!
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