
All D's Recent Activity

Pigeon Soup  by Other Half Brewing Co.

All D Beers is drinking a Pigeon Soup by Other Half Brewing Co. at Untappd at Home

Go pigeon, go! Very tasty and smooth, creamy head and mouthfeel. Light pineapple and sweet tropical fruit notes.

Purchased at Half Time - Mamaroneck

Can Can

Half Time Hero (Level 3) Earned the Half Time Hero (Level 3) badge!
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Brewer's Reserve Cherry Kringle Stout by Central Waters Brewing Company

All D Beers is drinking a Brewer's Reserve Cherry Kringle Stout by Central Waters Brewing Company at Untappd at Home

Oh myyy … what a beautiful monster 😈 Cherry bomb of flavors melts in your mouth into a chocolate/coffee barrel aged finish. Delicious, Hermann L. Get this one for Janet !!

Purchased at Cable Beverages

Bottle Bottle

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Green Moss by Hop Butcher For The World

All D Beers is drinking a Green Moss by Hop Butcher For The World at Untappd at Home

Floral notes on first sip, then the tropical fruits play off each other more orange and papaya flavors than grapefruit for me. All the while a hop bitter background. Totally opaque haze-wise.

Purchased at Half Time - Mamaroneck

Can Can

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Missile Toad by Ever Grain Brewing Co.

All D Beers is drinking a Missile Toad by Ever Grain Brewing Co. at Mekong District - Nyack

Soft fruity notes and I get some vanilla at the dry finish.

Purchased at Mekong District - Nyack

Draft Draft

Haze for Days (Level 45) Earned the Haze for Days (Level 45) badge!
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