Hilary T is drinking a Scroggin by Sapwood Cellars Brewery at Left of the Dial
More adjunct-forward than most Sapwood stouts, but everything (and it’s a lot of things) works well. The flavors are trail mix-y - maple, coconut, peanut, dark chocolate, a sorta granola flavor and some booziness at the end. Great stuff!
Purchased at Sapwood Cellars

Hilary T is drinking a Grungeist Pils by Human Robot at Left of the Dial
Big carbonation, light crackery malt, earthy and lemony hops give a tea-like sort of lightly bitter flavor.
Purchased at Human Robot

Hilary T is drinking a Senate Beer by Right Proper Brewing Company at Folger Theater
Of all the light lagers I’ve had alongside an evening of 13th and 14th century music built around a reading of Chaucer’s “A Parlement of Foules,” this is the best. Crisp, sweet, local.

Hilary T is drinking a Pils de Pils by Gold Dot Beer at Left of the Dial
Crisp, great earthy/peppery bite from the hops with a little extra spelt-y note - not sure if it’s from the malt or the hops are just working overtime. Either way, well done!
Purchased at Tavour

Bottled January 2021, a wine barrel aged sour with winebarries. Dry, vinous, tart and a bit cranberry-like, a bit of sweetness and some botanical notes. Great carbonation gives this a nice sharp finish. Really good.
Purchased at Sapwood Cellars