
Guillaume's Recent Activity

Corne de Brume by À l'abri de la Tempête

Guillaume Gauthier is drinking a Corne de Brume by À l'abri de la Tempête at Untappd at Home

Très bonne bière 2020 vieillie 4 ans

Bottle Bottle

Untappd at Home (Level 26) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 26) badge! Verified Adventure (Level 25) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 25) badge! Middle of the Road (Level 12) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 12) badge!
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Weizenbock by LTM - Les Trois Mousquetaires Microbrasserie

Guillaume Gauthier is drinking a Weizenbock by LTM - Les Trois Mousquetaires Microbrasserie

Bière vieillie 2022 ! Bonne bière mais meilleur encore plus vieillie on a fait le comparaison avec la même bière de 2012 ! La 2012 était vraiment supérieure à l'autre

Bottle Bottle

99 Bottles (Level 9) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 9) badge!
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St-Ambroise Stout Impériale Russe (Russian Stout Imperial) (2019) by Brasserie McAuslan (St-Ambroise)

Guillaume Gauthier is drinking a St-Ambroise Stout Impériale Russe (Russian Stout Imperial) (2019) by Brasserie McAuslan (St-Ambroise) at Untappd at Home

Bière vieillie 2019, pris à la fête à François, très bonne bière

Bottle Bottle

2X (Level 4) Earned the 2X (Level 4) badge!
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IPA by Oshlag Brasserie & Distillerie

Guillaume Gauthier is drinking an IPA by Oshlag Brasserie & Distillerie

Can Can

Cheers To You! (Level 3) Earned the Cheers To You! (Level 3) badge! The Great White North (Level 20) Earned the The Great White North (Level 20) badge!
Tagged Friends
Bubble Stash by Hop Valley Brewing Company

Guillaume Gauthier is drinking a Bubble Stash by Hop Valley Brewing Company at Untappd at Home

Rafraîchissante, excellente bière !!

Purchased at Metro Plus Courville

Can Can

Beer of the World (Level 3) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 3) badge!
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