Ganjalin Lebong
Pointo trouble
Ganjalin Lebong is drinking a 8 Secondes by Novum Boreas Microbrasserie at Untappd at Home
Céréale croquante malté clean soif c'est bon cheers!
Purchased at Novum Boreas Microbrasserie
Earned the Cream of the Crop (Level 3) badge!Ganjalin Lebong is drinking a Veze by Herman Brasserie Artisanale at Untappd at Home
Ganjalin Lebong is drinking a Good Robot's Diablo by Good Robot Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Ganjalin Lebong is drinking a Mono : Riwaka by Gaspard Brasserie Artisanale at Untappd at Home
Hoppy bomb juteuse agrume canabis bonne amertume belle texture c'est bon cheers!
Purchased at Gaspard Brasserie Artisanale
Hoppy agrume citronné bonne amertume c'est bon cheers!
Purchased at Metro Plus St-Jean-Baptiste