
Viktor's Recent Activity

King Crush by BrewDog

Viktor Fernhed is drinking a King Crush by BrewDog at Untappd at Home

Can Can

Untappd at Home (Level 47) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 47) badge! For the Can (Level 61) Earned the For the Can (Level 61) badge! I Believe in IPA! (Level 53) Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 53) badge! 2X (Level 9) Earned the 2X (Level 9) badge! Highlander (Level 4) Earned the Highlander (Level 4) badge!
Oberoende Havre Pils by Coppersmith's Brewery

Viktor Fernhed is drinking an Oberoende Havre Pils by Coppersmith's Brewery

Can Can

Middle of the Road (Level 86) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 86) badge!