
Tim's Recent Activity

T-Bar IPA by The Filling Station Microbrewery

Tim is drinking a T-Bar IPA by The Filling Station Microbrewery at The Filling Station

Draft Draft

Session Life (Level 5) Earned the Session Life (Level 5) badge!
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Check-in Photo

Piper's Porter by The Filling Station Microbrewery

Tim is drinking a Piper's Porter by The Filling Station Microbrewery at The Filling Station

Draft Draft

Photogenic Brew (Level 52) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 52) badge!
Tagged Friends
Night Mooos by Short’s Brewing Company

Tim is drinking a Night Mooos by Short’s Brewing Company

Purchased at Short's Brewing Company

Draft Draft

Heavy Weight (Level 46) Earned the Heavy Weight (Level 46) badge!
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FIR Sure by Short’s Brewing Company

Tim is drinking a FIR Sure by Short’s Brewing Company

Draft Draft

Riding Steady (Level 37) Earned the Riding Steady (Level 37) badge! Wheel of Styles (Level 28) Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 28) badge!
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