Andrew Hermes: That’s like 17 Latitudes away.

Connor McAfee
A dance floor near you
Connor McAfee is drinking a New England IPA by Brutopia at Brutopia
Light and hoppy. Perfect beer to complement a savory poutine
Connor McAfee is drinking a Harry T's Lighthouse Lager by Destin Brewery at Harry T's Lighthouse
Connor McAfee is drinking a Coffee Pale Ale by Samuel Adams
Perfect morning beer
Purchased at Samuel Adams Boston Brewery
Connor McAfee is drinking a Latitude 48 IPA by Samuel Adams
Mmmmmmm a bit lower than latitude 65
Purchased at Samuel Adams Boston Brewery
Andrew Hermes: That’s like 17 Latitudes away.
Connor McAfee is drinking a Black Lager (Černé Pivo) by Notch Brewing
Andrew Hermes: That poutine looks amazing
Sat, 30 Mar 2024 21:10:00 +0000 Report