Rune Johnsson is drinking an Original (TAP07) by Schneider Weisse G. Schneider & Sohn at Untappd at Home
It’s weird, but I really don’t like Schneider Weisse. It lacks body, and it’s always given me a sour/metallic feeling on the tongue. But everybody else seems to like it, so it must be me who’s wrong.
Purchased at Die Bierothek

Rune Johnsson is drinking a Rotbier by Brauerei Schanzenbräu at Untappd at Home

Rune Johnsson is drinking a Bärentöter Sour Gose Bock by Ritterguts Gose at Untappd at Home
Oh, this is good. More Gose than Bock, but very tasty. Sour and salt over a subtle but complex malt body. Brilliant.
Purchased at Die Bierothek

Rune Johnsson is drinking a Bräuweisse by Ayinger Privatbrauerei at Untappd at Home
Nice and solid Hefeweizen. Enough banana to satisfy me, but not an estery explosion.
Purchased at Die Bierothek

Not a bad beer, but I would have guessed it to be a bayrisch Helles.
Purchased at drinkabeer.dk