
Rune's Recent Activity

Kølsch Med Ø by Lille Holmgård Bryghus

Rune Johnsson is drinking a Kølsch Med Ø by Lille Holmgård Bryghus at Untappd at Home

Not a bad beer, but I would have guessed it to be a bayrisch Helles.

Purchased at

Bottle Bottle

Original (TAP07) by Schneider Weisse G. Schneider & Sohn

Rune Johnsson is drinking an Original (TAP07) by Schneider Weisse G. Schneider & Sohn at Untappd at Home

It’s weird, but I really don’t like Schneider Weisse. It lacks body, and it’s always given me a sour/metallic feeling on the tongue. But everybody else seems to like it, so it must be me who’s wrong.

Purchased at Die Bierothek

Bottle Bottle

Rotbier by Brauerei Schanzenbräu

Rune Johnsson is drinking a Rotbier by Brauerei Schanzenbräu at Untappd at Home

Ich sage es wiedermal. Das ist ein ausgezeichnetes Bier.

Purchased at Die Bierothek

Bottle Bottle

Bärentöter Sour Gose Bock by Ritterguts Gose

Rune Johnsson is drinking a Bärentöter Sour Gose Bock by Ritterguts Gose at Untappd at Home

Oh, this is good. More Gose than Bock, but very tasty. Sour and salt over a subtle but complex malt body. Brilliant.

Purchased at Die Bierothek

Bottle Bottle

Bräuweisse by Ayinger Privatbrauerei

Rune Johnsson is drinking a Bräuweisse by Ayinger Privatbrauerei at Untappd at Home

Nice and solid Hefeweizen. Enough banana to satisfy me, but not an estery explosion.

Purchased at Die Bierothek

Bottle Bottle

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