Neil Kendrick: Looks like you’re catching up
Neil Broad is drinking a Centaur by Everards Brewery at The Wheatsheaf
Neil Broad is drinking a Centaur by Everards Brewery at The Wheatsheaf
Neil Broad is drinking a HEATHEN CLUB // CLUBHOUSE HAZY PALE by Northern Monk
Earned the Hopped Down (Level 12) badge!
Earned the For the Can (Level 43) badge!
Neil Broad is drinking an ETERNAL // SESSION IPA by Northern Monk
Earned the I Believe in IPA! (Level 48) badge!
Neil Broad is drinking a Pale Moonlight by Lenton Lane Brewery
Earned the Session Life (Level 14) badge!
Neil Broad: Tried dry January for two days and decided enough was enough. Unofficial Camra crawl of eight pubs in Derby and delayed train and missed connection leading to a ninth pub in Leicester !
Neil Kendrick: Congratulations, two days was better than me