
Bart's Recent Activity

Winterbinkske by Brouwerij Kerkom

Bart O. is drinking a Winterbinkske by Brouwerij Kerkom at Untappd at Home

Donkerbruin tot zwart, crèmekleurig schuim, fijn koolzuur. Zoet, stevige bitters, lange afdronk. Karamel, rokerig, chocolade, kaneel.

Purchased at Craft Boxs

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

SUPER 8 IPA by Brouwerij Haacht Brasserie

Bart O. is drinking a SUPER 8 IPA by Brouwerij Haacht Brasserie at Untappd at Home

Helder, koperkleurig, mooi koolzuur. Zoetje, fraaie bitters. Karamel, kruidig.

Purchased at Craft Boxs

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

Dominicains Dubbel 6 by Brasserie 3F

Bart O. is drinking a Dominicains Dubbel 6 by Brasserie 3F at Untappd at Home

Helder, veel koolzuur, grof schuim. Zoetje, friszuur, mooie bitters. Kruidig, granig, maïs, mandarijn, citroen. Verfrissend en gastronomisch.

Purchased at Craft Boxs

Bottle Bottle

Fields of Gold (Level 34) Earned the Fields of Gold (Level 34) badge!

Check-in Photo

Troubadour Obscura by Brouwerij The Musketeers

Bart O. is drinking a Troubadour Obscura by Brouwerij The Musketeers at Untappd at Home

Helder, donkerbruin, veel schuim. Zoet, stevige bitters, boozy. Karamel, kaneel, kruidig, rokerig, koffie, pure chocolade.

Purchased at Craft Boxs

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo

Othmar Blond by Ootmarsummer Bierbrouwerij Heupink & Co

Bart O. is drinking an Othmar Blond by Ootmarsummer Bierbrouwerij Heupink & Co at Untappd at Home

Helder, weinig CO², weinig schuim. Zoetig, laag in de bitters. Romig, kruidig, granig, maïs.

Purchased at Craft Boxs

Bottle Bottle

Check-in Photo