
hermann's Recent Activity

Helt Fri IPA by Grans Bryggeri

hermann trolsrud is drinking a Helt Fri IPA by Grans Bryggeri at SALT

en av de beste uten

Can Can

Low Gravity (Level 4) Earned the Low Gravity (Level 4) badge! Taste the Music (Level 4) Earned the Taste the Music (Level 4) badge!
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Gränges Lättöl by Grängesbergs Bryggeri

hermann trolsrud is drinking a Gränges Lättöl by Grängesbergs Bryggeri at Tindlundhallen

Mat øl på h erdagen

Can Can

Brewery Pioneer (Level 79) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 79) badge!
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Ride by Disko Brewing

hermann trolsrud is drinking a Ride by Disko Brewing at Gulating Pub Sandefjord


Draft Draft

Hazy IPA Day (2024) Earned the Hazy IPA Day (2024) badge!
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Åbro Export by Åbro Bryggeri

hermann trolsrud is drinking a Åbro Export by Åbro Bryggeri at Göstases


Bottle Bottle

99 Bottles (Level 79) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 79) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

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