Bas K is drinking a Hopulent Oasis by Yee-Haw Brewing Company at Yee-Haw Brewing: Nashville
Yee Haw! Not really hazy, more crisp and refreshing

Bas K is drinking an Easy by Yee-Haw Brewing Company at Yee-Haw Brewing: Nashville
Looks like Pißwasser but tastes very nice

Bas K is drinking a Yee-Hazy by Yee-Haw Brewing Company at Yee-Haw Brewing: Nashville
Very good way to start today’s happy hour!

Bas K is drinking a Space Dust IPA by Elysian Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Ending the night with one of the first IPAs I’ve had in my life. Nostalgia and good memories of Seattle.
Purchased at Walmart Supercenter

Tasted it from my buddy. Toasted malts, bready flavour. Yet refreshing