
7gugu's Recent Activity

Natural Flavors (Strawberry) by Frequentem Brewing Co.

7gugu is drinking a Natural Flavors (Strawberry) by Frequentem Brewing Co. at 吹水啤酒士多

外观:浑浊,微透光,粉红西柚的颜色。 闻香:草莓果酱的味道,香甜愉悦。 口感:沙口感中弱,酒体厚重黏稠类似在吃糖浆。 味道:前段是果泥的甜,中段是草莓的酸感,尾段是啤酒花的苦味,酒精感压制得很好,只有脸红的时候才知道是在喝酒。 总结:像是在吃草莓圣代,香甜美味,饭后来一杯,作为甜品酒真的很棒。

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Sour Beer Day (2024) Earned the Sour Beer Day (2024) badge! Photogenic Brew Earned the Photogenic Brew badge! Wheel of Styles Earned the Wheel of Styles badge!

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Fior by Mandarin Cove (橙湾精酿)

7gugu is drinking a Fior by Mandarin Cove (橙湾精酿) at Untappd at Home

外观:深红色,清澈,气泡消散快,能看到较多小气泡形成。 闻香:能闻到浆果,樱桃(类似可口可乐樱桃味)的香甜气息。 味道:沙口感较弱,前段是树莓浆果的味道,中段是野菌强烈刺激的酸(口水狂流),以及酒花的微苦(大部份都被酸掩盖了,只能捕获到一点点苦的感觉),后段是小麦带来的香甜感,有点像糯米酒的感觉,鼻后闻香是大麦带来的麦芽香气。 总结:第一次喝到层次如此复杂的野菌酸艾尔,打开了新世界的大门。178元一瓶不便宜,但我也不知道有没有更实惠的选择,但价格我是可以接受的,偶尔开一瓶也不错。

Bottle Bottle

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Echolocation (Blend 1) by Perennial Artisan Ales

7gugu is drinking an Echolocation (Blend 1) by Perennial Artisan Ales at Untappd at Home

外观:酒体金黄色,气泡绵密。 闻香:啤酒花夹杂着橡木桶塞的香气,第一次闻的时候,有种橡皮泥的感觉,不容易感知。 味道:沙口感强烈,前段是百香果柠檬的明亮酸 ,酸到流口水的味道,能让人起鸡皮疙瘩。中间有类似杏类核果的味道,一闪而过,后段是酸味夹杂啤酒花的甘苦,但酸仍然是主调,鼻后闻香是淡淡的麦香和橡木桶的桶味,回温后会更易察觉,冷饮的时候不好感知。收口很干净,无负面味道。(补充:回温后桶味会更加明显,类似白葡萄酒的桶味) 总体是一支清爽超酸的赛松,快团团115元750ml,个人感觉还可以接受。

Bottle Bottle

Beer Gathering Earned the Beer Gathering badge! Beer Party Earned the Beer Party badge! Untappd at Home Earned the Untappd at Home badge! Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries Earned the Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries badge!

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Young Love Cider 若恋西打 by Mandarin Cove (橙湾精酿)

7gugu is drinking a Young Love Cider 若恋西打 by Mandarin Cove (橙湾精酿) at Fuego

外观:淡黄色 略浑浊。 闻香:有类似丹宁的味道,无馊臭味。 味道:沙口感中强,前段是苹果的酸,但没有描述的那么酸,柔和淡雅型,类似苹果醋+水稀释,结尾有点苹果核的味道,收口比较干。 总体是清爽开胃的流派,气泡带来的冲击感能很好地洗去舌头上厚重的味道,配合慢烤肋排的时候就很棒。

Bottle Bottle

Podium Party (2024) Earned the Podium Party (2024) badge!

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852 by Hong Kong Beer Co.

7gugu is drinking a 852 by Hong Kong Beer Co. at 吹水啤酒士多


Draft Draft

Night Out Earned the Night Out badge! Newbie Earned the Newbie badge!

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