Equilibrium Brewery
3.91 Avg• 54 ratings
Lager - Tmavé (Czech Dark)
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Equilibrium Brewery
Lager - Tmavé (Czech Dark)
4.6% ABV · N/A IBU
3.91 Avg• 54 ratings
Doppler starts off with a modified water profile, a blend of Bohemian Pils, Bohemian Dark, Caramunich, and Carafa malts, a Czech style yeast strain, and a light addition of Saaz hops for a touch of bittering. Dark in color with outstanding light drinkability, Doppler has subtle flavors of light caramel, roasty malt, sarsaparilla, toasted bread crust, and mild chocolate in a crisp, bitter, and balanced finish.

Equilibrium Brewery
Regional Brewery
Middletown, NY United States
About Brewery
Our Vision: To make the best beer in the world based on MIT-trained-scientific principles, a love for craft beer, and a love of community. We brew what we want to drink and share this with you. We believe the right craft beer turns ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences. Experience Equilibrium – Beer Balanced by Science.Loading...
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