
We've Gone Native!

At Untappd, we strongly believe in mobile web apps and their ability to look, feel, and function just like native apps, but without the hassle of having to download something. But there does come a time when you reach the limitations of the mobile web and have to move to a native platform. For us, that time has come.

We're excited to announce the release of our iPhone and Android native apps! These apps feature some much needed speed enhancements, interface changes, and some awesome new features that we think you're going to love.

Download Untappd's FREE native app now!

Apple App Store

Android Market Place

So, what's new in the native release?

1. Share your experience with photos
That's right, we've integrated photos into the check-in process to allow you to share pictures of your beer, label, or whatever is going on around you! These photos can be viewed on your individual check-ins on the app, mobile web and standard site!

2. Notification center
Currently, whenever someone toasts or comments on your check-ins, you will be notified via email. Now, we've integrated a brand new tab that will display actions taken on your check-ins. Additionally, there's a new convenient place for your friend requests as well as news and updates from Untappd HQ.

3. New navigation interface
Both Android and iPhone now have more native feeling navigation and controls. The iPhone's navigation buttons are now at the bottom and we've integrated a back button for those times when you get ahead of yourself. You'll also notice a shiny new "Notices" button - more on that below!

4. Speed enhancements
Untappd will now load up very quickly and won't require a reload every time you open it. In fact, it takes advantage of multi-tasking and will save your state upon closing it. This will make check-in much easier and more streamlined!

Download Untappd's native app now!

Apple App Store

Android Market Place

Photos will also be viewable on the web site!

Fri, 30 Sep 2011 11:59:46 +0000

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