
National IPA Day, AKA The Best Day of the Year

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National IPA Day, AKA the Best Day of the Year

Yes, the best day of the year is officially here. On the first Thursday in August we celebrate an homage to hops on National IPA Day. 

And unsurprisingly, now more than ever, you all are lovers of these little green cones. 

Need proof? 

Oh, we have plenty. 

For instance, According to recent NielsenIQ data analyzed by Bump Williams Consulting (BWC), hazy imperial/double/triple IPA dollar sales increased +128.7% to $33.3 million, more than doubling. And overall, IPAs still account for 46% of craft dollar share. 

For example, last year the style "IPA - American" on the Untappd app ranked as the most checked-in style with over 7.2 million, followed closely by  "IPA – New England" with over 6.1 million. Of "The Top 10 Styles of 2021" four of the top five styles fell into the IPA category. 

The numbers don't lie. 

But you probably didn't need us to throw fancy statistics at you to know that because you're probably drinking one right now. Or you can tell us at the drop of a hat that last IPA you drank. Or you are planning on drinking one to celebrate today. 

That's good, because if you do, you'll unlock our "National IPA Day" badge. 

Just drink one—count 'em, one—IPA today to earn this one. 

It could be a bold, bright, clear West Coast IPA

An iconic American IPA. 

A cloudy, opaque, foggy, murky, blurry, misty, turbid New England-style IPA you can hardly see through. 

A double or imperial cloudy, opaque, foggy, murky, blurry, misty turbid, New England-style IPA. 

A cold IPA.

An IPA with Phantasm, that makes hazies even juicier. Yes, it's possible. 

A milkshake IPA. 

A Black IPA.

A double, triple, even quadruple IPA. Yes, they exist.

All that's important for you today is to drink an IPA. 

To earn this one: Drink and check-in any one (1) IPA. That's it!

Looking for even more? 

Our friends at Hop Culture recently wrote about:

"The 5 Best Breweries with Hazy IPAs, According to You"

"The 5 Best Under-the-Radar Breweries with Hazy IPAs, According to an Expert"